Efficiency in Payroll Outsourcing

Payroll outsourcing has become a popular outsourcing function these days because of the efficiency they offer the clients. They make sure that they meet the clients payroll needs on time.

As a client who will consider hiring payroll outsourcing companies, what can be your criteria to make sure that they really do deliver efficient payroll services?

Prompt Information

Payroll outsourcing should be able to offer to give information at a drop of a hat. This means that when a client would ask for specific information regarding payroll documents the outsourced payroll providers will take no time in sending them immediately. This is the first criteria of efficiency.

Remove Errors

Accuracy is one of the come-ons of the payroll outsourcing service. They payroll providers assure their clients that payroll computations would be accurate and few mistakes will be made. However,  a great and efficient payroll outsourcing company would totally remove the errors that are perennially found in payroll calculations. They have adequate payroll management software that would identify mistakes and automatically corrects the errors. This is a very valid point when looking for a payroll outsourcing company.

Free from Maintenance Cost

Another key factor to consider when looking for the efficiency is the ability of the payroll outsourcing company to help tone down maintenance cost. This can be a big savings to most companies because the upkeep is quite expensive when it comes to equipment and machines.

Efficiency in payroll outsourcing is a very important aspect to consider when hiring a payroll company.

3 Great Reasons Why You Need to Outsource Your Payroll

It has become a big headache for your company when it comes to computation of the payroll. It has reached its breaking point one has reached the end. So, what can one do to break the impasse and make the payroll procedure something more acceptable and stress-free?

The easy answer is to hire a payroll outsourcing company. Yes, this has become the new trend in most corporations and businesses. Since the problem of payroll is not going away, then why not think of an idea that will help in almost solving it? To convince you more here are three great reason why you need a payroll outsourcing provider.


It may seem expensive at first, but in the long run, when you have fewer errors in calculations and mistakes in the filing of taxes then the cost is worth it. It can also mean more savings for the company.


Since the payroll service providers focus mainly on preparing and computing of payroll, the possibility of making errors is minimal. This means that there is a higher percentage of accuracy of computations that will lead to a better procedure. This means that employees will be satisfied too because the amount of salary that they will receive is the correct one.

Peace of Mind

You can rest now at night. The sleepless night you have especially during the payroll period would be a thing of the past. This is can be made possible because you chose a very skilled payroll outsourcing company.

Services You Should Expect from a Payroll Service Provider

Once a business has decided to engage the services of a payroll service provider, one has to be aware of the basic services they have to offer in order for you to get value for your money.  The business owners should know first-hand how each service is going to be executed by the payroll outsourcing company.

Payroll and Tax Calculations

This is the main reason why you are going to hire the payroll service provider. They will be the one tasked to prepare the payroll and calculate for the taxes of each employee of your company.


When the payroll process has been done, there should be an accompanying report of what happened during the process. This is a documentation that will help the client be updated on what happened during the payroll process.

Printing and distribution of pay checks

It is expected that after the payroll has been calculated and finished, the outsourcing payroll firm will be the one to print and distribute the pay checks.

Direct Deposits

This is an alternative to writing checks for the employees. Instead of the employees going to the bank and have their checks being changed, the payroll outsourcing firm can directly deposit the amount for each employee and they can check it via their ATMs.

Tracking of Information

Another function that a payroll outsourcing firm do is to keep track of the information for each employee. They also need to update information if the need arises. Aside from the basic information, the payroll outsourcing company should also keep track of the benefits given to the employees.

Factors That Affect Cost of Payroll Outsourcing

One of the reasons why payroll outsourcing seemed so out of reach for most businesses is the cost. Most businesses would think that hiring a payroll outsourcing company would be expensive and that they rather stay on the in-house payroll procedure that they have. However, if one would think about it, there are costly mistakes done if the people who are doing the payroll are not as experienced as they should be. The money wasted for the errors could have been used for more useful things for the company.

When a company decides to hire a payroll outsourcing company, they should at least first weigh the cost of paying a provider that knows what it is doing and an in-house payroll department that is not as competent. Then the cost may not be as expensive as you think it is.

The factors that one should consider that can affect the cost of the payroll outsourcing are:

Number of Employees

When you have a few employees then it may seem costly. The average amount of the basic package of the payroll outsourcing provider could run from $25 to as much as $200 a month. In the point of view of number of employers it would be cheaper if you are employing at least a 100 employee to make it more viable.

Frequency of Pay Periods

Payroll is normally given twice a month, but there are other companies who practices differently. They can give it weekly, bi-weekly etc. The frequency or how often you pay your employees would be more expensive compared to a less frequent pay period.

Pitfalls to Avoid for Payroll Outsourcing

There is always a certain amount of risk involved for companies who deal in different businesses.  Whether it’s implementing new payroll management software or increasing the budget for employee recruitment, there’s always that sense of uncertainty if these decision would beneficial for the company in the future.  The same holds true when companies hire outsourced payroll.  Here are some of the common pitfalls encountered by companies and how to avoid these HR snags in the company.

Pitfall #1 – Bargain Rates Hidden Costs – One pitfall that companies would need to avoid when hiring payroll outsourcing companies is the all-too-good-to-be-true rates.  Some companies may promise low payroll outsourcing costs but in reality may have combined or hidden charges.  Instead of companies getting the desired savings for a payroll service, they would incur more overhead costs.  The simple step of avoiding this sticky situation is careful planning and research on the part of the company when selecting the right payroll service providers.

Pitfall #2 –Easy to use programs and systems, (it may be easier said than done) –   Some payroll service companies might advertise that the programs that they provide to their clients are easy to use and maintain.  That may be well and true but when payroll management software suddenly bogs down, companies need to know what available post-sales support that these payroll outsourcing companies can provide its client.  It would also be advisable for companies to check if these types of services are also being offered by companies should the need arise.

Know the Reputation of Your Payroll Service

Handling payroll is such a delicate job that requires so much. You cannot just pick one randomly and entrust to them one of the core area of your business. You have to ask around, get some advices from people or companies which seek the same services as you do. Know what are the advantages and disadvantages that they would bring. Set some expectation limits that you wish for them to meet.

Checking out the internet by researching on blogs, client referrals and other stuff can help you on your search. You can also ask them to do a “test week”. Some companies employ such technique to know if the payroll outsourcing companies can really live up to what they are offering. It should be as accurate and as precise as it should be. The speed on how fast they can get the work done is essential as well. No one would want to hire an outsourcing payroll company that has too many delays or they would end up being mobbed by their employees.

Reputation does not necessarily equate that you are on the top list of outsourcing companies listed. Some small scale outsourcing companies can even provide good and quality service because they tend to be more careful of losing what little clients they have. Make sure that you check out all the aspects of their services so you won’t be disappointed. Make sure that they are trust worthy as well and can keep confidential information. This would be one of the major considerations when choosing to employ payroll outsourcing services.

Common Questions About Outsource Payroll

Companies nowadays are looking for ways to curb costs and generate savings.  Oftentimes, an organization would turn to outsourcing some of its functions or services to be able to minimize overhead costs.  Outsource payroll is an example of a company function that is now commonly handled by a third party provider than by the main company.


When choosing a payroll service, here are some common questions that you can keep in mind.


What are the services that you provide?  – Companies would need to be aware of the services provided by a payroll company.  When companies are informed of the services provided by these payroll service companies, they are able to make sound decisions and choose services that would fit their company’s needs.


What are the costs?  – This is another question that companies would need to keep in mind when choosing payroll outsourcing companies.   Some of these payroll outsourcing costs maybe too much for the company which is why it’s important for these organizations to  have a budget when hiring the services for these third party providers.


Are their tools and programs up to date? – In the process of hiring payroll service providers, It’s also good for companies to check the type of tools and applications that these third party providers are using.  Some providers might be using payroll management software too complicated to use or systems that are just out of date.   It’s always advisable to ask for a demonstration or presentation from the payroll company to assess the software that will be used by the organization.

What to Expect in a Payroll Service Provider

Payroll outsourcing is still a new type of business. It has become a necessity because many companies have increased in their workforce hence forcing them to look at their payroll procedures hard.  Most companies found out that the in-house payroll procedure can sometimes come up short. In that case, a new kind of business was put up. The payroll outsourcing company is company to go to when one is experiencing trouble with the payroll set-up.

Since this is a new endeavour, here are some of the services they offer so that you can check out if it can work for your company.

Payroll services replay the original pay office that is included in inside your company. The first and foremost services that these kind of company offers is preparing your payroll which includes reports of taxes and other additional information that you put in your payroll.

They also provide the payroll management software that will handle all the data that was given to the payroll outsourcing company. This means that the business itself does not need to purchase the software. All the details will be handled by the payroll service company.

Outsourced payroll company also keep an archive on all the transactions done for the payroll and other necessary and important document that was used for the preparation of the salary. This is easy for the business to keep track of all the records for the salary of the different employees of the business.

Knowing about the services can help one to decide if one does really need an outsourced payroll provider.

Factors to Consider in Choosing Payroll Outsourcing

Choosing an organization that offers payroll outsourcing is not a difficult task for any company owner. There are many payroll outsourcing companies that provide various and sometimes even customized services to fit the customer’s needs. For example, some companies may provide payroll management software to streamline a company’s compensation process.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a company that provides payroll outsourcing. Owners would need to consider the financial, technological and efficiency aspects when choosing the payroll service.

Financial Factor

Payroll outsourcing costs is one of the aspects that company owners would need to review. Different companies would provide various rates for services they offer. It would be advisable for owners to set up a budget and reviewing the fees and rates that payroll service providers charge.

Technological Factor

Technology is also another aspect that owners would need to take into consideration. The accounting system that these companies provide should be easy to use and can delivery reports real time whenever the customer requires these reports.

Efficiency Factor

Efficiency is also another aspect that owners would need to consider. An efficient payroll service would equal to an increase in a company’s productivity and efficiency with better products and services which would also equal to higher revenues.

These are just some of the factors that one should consider in looking for a payroll outsourcing. When one chose a company careful analysis should be done to ensure that you are hiring a reliable payroll outsourcing company. With these factors, it will be easier to choose the best from the rest.

What to Consider in Payroll Outsourcing When Choosing the Best Online Software?

The key to having the right payroll service is choosing the best online software. There are so many things to consider when you look for online payroll software. One is that it should have a wide range of payroll functions. It should be able to calculate the earnings of each employee, take away the withholding taxes, calculate and account year-end forms for tax purposes. Second will be the level of difficulty in operating the software. It should be easy enough to be used by both small and large businesses and should be able to adapt to the changes in case the company expands.

Another side to consider is the customer service. When you belong to a big business, some online privileges like live chat, email service or telephone support is needed as per the frequency of creating a payroll is needed. Quick, prompt and interactive service should be one of your online payroll service can give.

Lastly would be online security. The outmost priority of an online payroll company is to protect its customer data. Hacking is not a new word or problem on the internet. Your data is always at risk. Know what security measures and how frequently you can back up your information online when needed and how to recover it in case it gets hacked. It should have a ready back up plan when it gets down under any circumstances.

These are among the few things that you need to consider but above the rest, make sure that whatever you are using, you have confidence and trust in that software as well as the people behind them to do the work.